Title Fight - Hyperview


Title Fight

Hyperview is the newest album from Title Fight and is far away from their usual albums. While their previous records have been purely punk rock, aggressive guitars, speedy drums and pained vocals Hyperview could not be further away from that. I'm not sure if it was intentional but the production on the album almost sounds like it was done in the early 2000s on a shoe string budget. It just sounds so off and not in any good way. The heart and aggression of the band is gone, left is half sung self spoken lyrics the fall flat.

I really had trouble finding anything to like in this album and was just waiting for it to end. I'd like to think this is just a bump in the road for Title Fight, but man it is one bad bump. Unfortunately I cannot recommend this one, but if you like punk definitely check out The Last Thing You Will Forget that you will not forget.

1 out of 10 stars


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