Sheppard - Geronimo EP


I heard Sheppard while driving around and listening to the local rock station in Los Angels, KROQ. The song I heard was the title track from the EP by the same name "Geronimo", and it is an absolute smash hit. The singing is awesome, it's catchy yet has indie cred and by the looks of this group their appeal is going to be massive. However calling this an indie pop group is a bit of a misnomer. Their music besides "Geronimo" is straight up pop, no if ands of buts about it. The rest of the EP is not nearly as strong and as the title tracks and suffers from being way to bubblegum. "Smile" would make even the biggest pop apologists (myself included) cringe at its sweetness.

Sheppard has huge potential. They can sing, they can write and they can make excellent genre crossing music. I think if they focus more on the indie side and less on the super poppy aspects of their sound they are really going to go places. Look out for Sheppard this year, you are going to be hearing them everywhere.

5 out of 10 stars


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